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GU26 ? GU18 ? GU13 ?

Posted by Nick Majors on

The GU24 (2 pin twist & plug) connector is an established standard for energy efficient CFL (Compact Fluorescent) light bulbs.

Recently a client asked about GU26's?

Having never heard of a GU26 connector - it took a little research to learn that at least one manufacturer was using terms like GU13 / GU18 / GU23 / GU26 - as "part numbers" . . . leading some consumers to think that it was the specification for yet another bulb / connector type.

So a 'GU26' is actually a GU24 - 26 watt - CFL Spiral Twister ; and 'GU18' = GU24 - 18 watt, 'GU13' = GU24 - 13 watt, etc.

This can be really confusing, and I note that the prices being charged for these hard-to-find GU? bulbs was extremely high compared to market price.  Is it possible that certain retailers are trying to capitalise and exploit (maybe even create) customer confusion allowing them to overcharge for standard bulbs.

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